Customized Digital Marketing Techniques Boost Sales Velocity

Relation Group prides in providing customized solutions using automated process that guarantee results for the clients. We provided a complete solution – right from ideation, support, to implementation and reports for the client’s project. The client company is a top real estate developer with properties in Ravet, Wakad, and Pimple Saudagar. Operational since past 12 years, they have offered several thoughtfully designed homes to their customers. Their latest project also comprised beautifully designed and detailed homes at affordable prices. The client approached Relation Group to enhance sales of this project in a short time frame.

Relation Group relished on using marketplace data, digital and social media channels to their benefit to promote the project. We went beyond all the preconceived marketing strategies and came up with some unique concepts based on the data we gathered. Ultimately, Relation Group’s innovative methods led to selling off 56 homes in just 8 months. Furthermore, the sale of the entire project was completed 1 year before the possession date.

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